**This is for CEO’s, Presidents, Business Owners Who Are Ready to Leap to the Next Level**
In today’s economy, you’re probably wishing someone would “stop the madness!” You may be struggling to meet your basic expenses, trying to figure out how to make more money without hiring more people, doing more with less, and maybe even keeping from closing the doors.
What you’re probably missing….is the ability to get some perspective on your business. It may seem like an enormous gap to get from where you are today to where you know your business can be, if only you had the time and money to get it there.
If you’re like the majority of people who come to me for help, you want to:
- Work smarter, not harder in your business, making more money in less time and having more enjoyment.
- Identify and capitalize on opportunities in the marketplace that are in alignment with your mission and core values.
- Exercise greater resourcefulness, creativity and flexibility to be able to respond quickly to changes in this uncertain economy.
- Implement key systems to leverage your time and maximize your effectiveness in business.
- Make an indelible mark upon as many customers as you wish to… so you can easily spread your influence as far and wide as you want.
- Forge win/win relationships with strategic partners, vendors, customers, capital sources and other team members to expand your business reach.
- Locate that “sweet-spot” balance between the different “modes” in your business: technician, manager and entrepreneur.
- Leave a lasting legacy for your family, friends, and community, so that you will always be remembered for leaving the world a better place.
Your new economy starts with vision.
But it’s not enough to just imagine the future and wait for it to happen. You must design your desired future in specific, measurable detail. This is your blueprint for pro-actively building your business to achieve your desired results.
I’ve said for a long time that Entrepreneurship is becoming a “survival skill” in the 21st century. What I mean by this is that entrepreneurs make things happen. We don’t wait to be told what to do. If it’s never been done before, we make it up!
So, the first key element for building your business successfully in the new economy is planning. Map it out in specific, concrete detail. Create your “play book.” Know how your business model operates. What do you do to drive revenue? Who manages expenses? How is the business capitalized?
This creates the “cauldron” to contain your productive activity. Without “rules” you have no systems, no decision-making criteria, no performance standards. So start defining the rules. It’s your business. How do you want to run it?
Once you’ve described the blueprint, there are two other essential aspects of your business in the new economy. One is (collaborative) leadership. The other is (high performance) team. Notice the words in parentheses. The 21st century economy is not just about new forms of leadership. It’s about collaborative leadership. It’s about not only working together, but leading together.
We don’t learn much about collaboration in school – in fact, if you “collaborate” with your neighbor it’s called “cheating.” In the new business paradigm, collaboration is not only desirable, it’s essential.
The final element in the successful 21st century business in high-performance teams. Again, it’s not enough to hire the best person for each job. What’s important is how the team, or teams, function as a whole. There are skills we can learn that result in they type of work relationships that create synergy, group mind, master-mind, and incredibly high performance.
The bottom line for the 21st century business in win/win. We must create wins not only for our business, but for our customers, our employees, our suppliers, our community, our environment, and our neighbors around the globe. No small task, but as we shift our consciousness, businesses will no longer be measured by their bottom-line performance alone, but by their contribution, their values, the meaning they create for their customers, neighbors and friends.
It’s a whole new universe!
I am proud to announce a new Executive Coaching program. If you are a business owner, CEO, company President, or entrepreneur, and you’re looking to double, and even triple your results this year, you need to seriously consider joining this exclusive coaching program.
Here are some of the things you can expect to gain:
- The empowerment to “play your game” at a higher level
- Internal motivation to power you through obstacles
- Encouragement and support from like-minded entrepreneurs
- Accountability to yourself and your team
- Connections with key people and resources
- Education on the most powerful success strategies that are working today!
If these seem like a lot of intangible benefits, ask yourself this:
Will the same level of thinking that got me to where I am today, take me to where I want to go tomorrow?
In other words, for your business to change, indeed, for your world to change, you must change your inner thoughts, beliefs, strategies and actions.
Here’s what you may have seen in “business makeover” programs in the past:
1. ASSESSMENT — where am I now? (Benchmark)
2. VISION – where do I want to be in 3-5 years?
3. RESEARCH — what is the marketplace asking for today?
4. PRODUCT LINES — what are products/services I deliver that fill meaningful needs?
5. MARKETING — communication tools that produce results.
6. ACTION PLAN – milestones and “to do’s”
If you just follow these steps, you will have meaningful results, but there’s a way to take this even deeper and make long-lasting, powerful inner changes that will blast you to the results you desire.
In the new Executive Coaching Program, I will take you through these steps and you will have the opportunity to “rehearse” both mentally and physically in a safe, supportive environment.
Let me tell you how this program is structured:
- Two Coaching Calls per month with Dr. Barbara Leuin as your facilitator.
- Small group format with a maximum of 6 business leaders in each group
- Recordings of each Coaching Call for your review and study.
- Two Accountability Calls per month with you Accountability Partner
- Unlimited email support from Barbara (& her team)
- Occasional unscheduled “Quickie Calls” with Barbara (up to 30 minutes per month)
- Access to all my Planning Tools and resources.
Here’s a Key: If you try to do this alone, you will fail! You will quickly be overwhelmed by the vast amount of incredibility useful information that is available to you today. You find a incredible tools, techniques, marketing ideas and all kinds of resources to help you take your business to the next level. What’s missing is Strategy!
The fastest path to cash is knowing where you’re going and having GPS to get you there. Maps are out-dated! You’ll find yourself lost, turned around, bewildered and confused. With executive GPS you can always re-orient yourself quickly and easily, and “recalculate” the next step!
Now I know you’re going to ask me about pricing, so let me tell you straight out – This is a $1000/month program, with a 6 month commitment to get the results you are seeking.
This program is clearly not for everyone. It’s for the business owner, CEO, Company President who is ready to lead his or her organization to a higher level or performance and success.